
26 de dez. de 2008

Baixar Juliette & The Licks - Live At Paradiso (2006)

1. Inside the Cage
2. Smash and Grab
3. Money In My Pocket
4. Bullshit King


1. Inside the Cage
2. Smash and Grab
3. Money In My Pocket
4. Bullshit King
5. Sticky Honey
6. American Boy
7. Mind Full of Daggers
8. I Never Got to Tell You What I Wanted To
9. Got Love to Kill
10. Purgatory Blues
11. Hot Kiss
12. This I Know
13. Pray for the Band Latoya
14. So Amazing
15. Get Up
16. You're Speaking My Language
17. Search And Destroy
18. Hardly Wait (Studio Bonus)

Formato: MP3
Tamanho: 92.9 Mb
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