
14 de jan. de 2010

Great Metal Covers Volume 1

Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States. With roots in blues-rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness. Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are generally associated with masculinity and machismo.

Dança Com Música

01 - Arch Enemy - Aces High (Iron Maiden)
02 - Black Sabbath - Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple)
03 - Dee Snider M Fl - Crazy Train (Ozzy)
04 - Dweezil Zappa Ozzy Osbourne - Staying Alive (Bee Gees)
05 - Godsmack Bruce D - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Black Sabbath)
06 - Hammerfall - I Want Out (Helloween)
07 - Hellmenn- Deuce (Kiss)
08 - Helloween - Cold Sweat (Thin Lizzy)
09 - Helloween - I Stole Your Love (Kiss)
10 - Iron Maiden - Communication Breakdown (Led Zeppelinn)
11 - Megadeth - Anarchy In UK (Sex Pistols)
12 - Ozzy Lenny Kravitz - Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix)
13 - Pantera - Cat Scratch Fever (Ted Nugent)
14 - RX Bandits - Holy Wars (Megadeth)
15 - Sator - Ring Ring (Abba)
16 - Sentenced - The Trooper (Iron Maiden)
17 - Tygers Of Pan Tang - Tush (Zz Top)
18 - Venom - Speed King (Dio)
19 - Zakk Wylde - Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin)

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