
7 de mar. de 2010

CD Cyndi Lauper | Greatest Hits

Cynthia Ann Stephanie "Cyndi" Lauper (born June 22, 1953) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. She achieved success in the mid-1980s with the release of the album She's So Unusual and became the first female singer to have four top-five singles released from one album. Lauper has released 11 albums and over 40 singles, and as of 2008 had sold more than 25 million records worldwide.[1] Cyndi has been married to David Thornton since 1991. They have one son, Declyn Wallace Thornton Lauper, born November 19, 1997.

01. Girls Just Want To Have Fun
02. Goonies R Good Enough
03. Time After Time
04. What's Going On (Featuring Chuck D)
05. Night To Remember
06. Fall Into Your Dreams
07. Iko Iko
08. Sisters Of Avalon
09. I Drove All Night
10. Hat Full Of Stars

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Tamanho: 55 Mb
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