
8 de out. de 2008

Baixar Armageddon

Track List:
1.I Don´t Want To Miss a Thing "Aerosmith"
2.Remember Me "Steve Augeri"
3.What Kinf Of Love Are You On "Aerosmith"
4.La Grange "ZZ Top"
5.Roll Me Away "Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band"

6.When The Rainbow Comes "Shawn Colvin"
7.Sweet Emotion "Aerosmith"
8.Mister Big Time "Jon Bon Jovi"
9.Come Together "Aerosmith"
10.Wish I Were Here "Patty Smith"
11.Starseed "Our lady Peace"
12.Leaving On A Jet Plane "Chantal Kreviazuk"
13.Theme From Armageddon"Trevor Rabin"

Formato: MP3
Tamanho: 62.3 Mb
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