
14 de out. de 2008

Top Anos 80

Another one bites the Dust - Queen
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Radio Gaga - Queen
One - Metallica
Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden

Dancing Queen - Abba
Take on me - A-ha
Time after Time - Cyndi Lauper
Girl´s just wanna have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
Paradise City - Gun´s N´ Roses
ABC - Jackson´s 5
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Confortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Wish you were Here - Pink Floyd
How do you do - Roxette
The Look - Roxette
Losing my Religion - REM
Boys don´t cry - The Cure
We´re not gonna take it - Twisted Sister

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Tamanho: 106 Mb
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