
2 de out. de 2008

Baixar Pure Pop/Rock/HipHop Evolution Vol. 2008

01-LightHouse Family- I wish i knew how it would feel to be free
02-Cinema Bizarre - Lovesongs (They Kill Me)
03-Beyonce-Green Light
04-Three Days Drace - Gone forever

05-Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
06-The Editors- Blood
07-Nickelback- Rockstar
08-Mark Owen-Sorry lately
09-J.Holiday- Bed
10-Chris Brown-Forever
11-Ludacris - What Them Girls Like [Feat. Chris Brown & Sean Garrett]
12-Good Charlotte-I Don´t Wanna Be In Love
13-The Chemical Brothers-Do it again
16- Rihanna -Disturbia
17-Fall Out Boy-Thanks for the memories

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